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Nov 24, 2021

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1:19 "Most people are tired, most people are wired throughout the day." Getting adaquate amounts of sleep can help reduce stress. How is your sleep, are you hydrated? The thickness of your blood can affect how quickly you fall asleep.


4:20 "Sleep and naps...

Nov 17, 2021

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00:20 "Every single person at organifi... we go through a multitude of personality tests." Surrounding yourself with good people requires a good test or at least good judge of character.


1:00 "I'm here to talk about the power of belief..." All the beliefs...

Nov 15, 2021

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2:55 "I got a string of 5 really good hits out of the park early on, and I got a string of disasters... I had to do some cultivating of why I was winning and why I was losing. I had to do some soul searching. At the end of the day I realized my great loves...

Nov 10, 2021

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0:15 "There are things that we do every single day that we give our power away to." How can we stop giving our power away and have authentic power, coming from an internal source?


1:13 "I think we need to first and foremost declare our intention." Declare...

Nov 8, 2021

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2:10 "Just to know that you have brought a life into the world and that life is going to carry on whatever virtues and values and things that you believe in, it's a humbling moment." It's not about you anymore.



8:33 "I was looking for love because I...